Friday, September 21, 2012

Catching Our Breath

Yesterday we left Appleton, WI and crossed over into Michigan to drive the scenic route along the North shore of Lake Michigan which took us through the Upper Peninsula. At one point we stopped at a rest area for a break and I took Curley down to the shore for a look. There were threatening clouds all day but almost no rain. The wind was whipping the waves and it was pretty chilly looking out over the water. I was struck by the fact that just a few days ago, we were in country where every drop of water is precious and here I was staring out at one of the largest bodies of fresh water in the world. I couldn't see the far shore.

We crossed the Macinaw Bridge over into MI proper. There's a toll for crossing the bridge. For motorhomes it was $5 per axle, so it cost us $10. They were repainting the bridge so it was mostly down to one lane all the way across. There was also a high wind advisory for trucks and RVs so we went 20mph all the way. Here's what it looks like from our campground.

We're camped at Roberts Landing Campground just North of Cheboygan, MI. It is very nice and while there are a few other rigs set up here, I think we're the only ones home today. I got up early and watched the sun come up over the lake.

It's been very quiet here and I've been taking my time getting going this morning. Just now it's raining lightly and I'm having an extra cup of coffee before we hit the road. Today we'll go down the West coast a ways through Petosky and down to Traverse City. I had wanted to visit the Founders Brewery in Grand Rapids but it looks as though they don't have brewery tours. That being the case, I'm going to try to find some of their beer in Traverse City. Then we'll probably make a beeline for our son's place further South after that. With a little luck we'll find a seafood place to have fish fry for supper. Here's what our setup looks like today:

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