Monday, July 7, 2014


I'm not sure why, but when the rains come the tarantulas start emerging from wherever they have been hiding. This gal was on the path to the pumphouse the other night. The females have a brown abdomen while in the males it is black. This one was about 4 1/2" across as she sits. The kids pick them up and let them crawl around but that has no appeal for me so I just took this pic and backed away. They are not aggressive at all.

Then yesterday I was watching the back yard and this guy came around. This is the closest I've been to a roadrunner and the first time I've seen one standing still. The light really wasn't good enough for a good picture but you can get the idea. Note the bunny watching him.

There is more slow progress on the bus. The fridge compartment now has its' vents and the fridge is on board but not in place.

The front bed has now been framed in. The platform of each of the beds is hinged to allow storage underneath the bed area.

I think this is supposed to be where I will sleep. We have cushions for seating and then a foam mattress to add to it for sleeping. No protection against the midnight sun. I brought a sleep mask.

The mid bathroom now has its' sink and the mirror cabinet installed.

The plumbing continues to be roughed in, including the added waste and fresh water tanks.

I still have no idea just when the trip will start. The upfitting is continuing in a methodical manner and we are not rushing to get done and on the road while at the same time we are trying to keep working steadily towards completion. I believe work on the wiring will commence tomorrow.

The horse transfer that was to have taken place on Sunday has been instead delayed until tomorrow. We will still have another horse to transfer after that, along with feed and sundry other items. We can't move them both at the same time for fear of them hurting each other on the way. The mare is very skittish and we are going to try to use lavender oil to try to calm her down for the trip. We're going in the morning to try to avoid the thunder and lightning which have been occuring every afternoon and which would upset her even more. Forget Trigger and Champion, these horses seem dumb as a box of rocks.

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