Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Move Day

Today we pulled up stakes at Crockett SP and drove 202 miles to T O Fuller SP in Memphis. I mean IN Memphis. On-The-Mississippi-River Memphis. A very nice park in a not very nice section of town. But quiet  and secluded from town and very pretty. We have a very adequate site right near the bath house. And they have a laundry! Which we need badly by this time. When the ranger came around to register us tonight, I showed him our handicap placard and he said "well that means half-price". So we're staying here for 5 nights at $10 a night. Can't beat those state parks.

We traveled down the Trace as far as Florence, Alabama and then followed Rt. 72 across Alabama and through Mississippi over to Memphis. We stopped in Corinth, Miss. for lunch and altogether it took us just a hair over 5 hours. The route was very flat with only a few low hills, lots of very low land and really not much to see. This is the rural South. Not poor, but not congested with suburbia and its trappings. Most all towns have a town square. Only the larger ones have a McDonalds and fewer yet a Wal-Mart. And Wal-Mart is as close as it gets to a big box store. Lots of hunting and fishing outlets and Tractor Supply stores.

Tomorrow, we're going to sleep in and take our time getting going. Then we will probably go out and find Beale Street and see what kind of mischief we can get into.

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