Friday, September 16, 2011

Catching up

Yesterday was kind of dreary. It rained most of the day and then went into the 40's overnight. We stayed in until the rain let up and then went for a ride, mostly for entertainment. I spent some time on the computer puzzling over the findings at the cemetery. I think I got it mostly worked out.

I had found a name that was new to me but looked like it might have been an older brother. Well, sure enough there really was an older brother. He had the same father but a different mother. The monument had listings for two wives but there had actually been three. I don't know where the third wife is buried but it seems she bore three children. The older son isn't buried in the family plot either and I'm not sure where he is. But I did find one entry that makes me think he died at Andersonville, the notorious Confederate prison near Sumter, Georgia.

I also had found two names on the stone, husband and wife, who were new to me and might not have fit at all into the family. But, it turns out that the wife was my wife's great aunt, and she and her husband were buried in the family plot. It's so much fun solving the puzzles.

We drove around the county and in our travels were able to go by five of our previous places of residence, three of which we had owned. One of them I grew up in and spent most of life there. Now, they are just houses. I have no longing to go back and no real emotion or sense of loss when I look at them. I've never been one to keep looking back, and while I certainly value the times I had as a younger person, I have a keen awareness of who and where I am now and I value that at least as much.

Of course, the day wouldn't have been complete without more gastronomic delight. We managed to stop at Pete's Polar Parlor for some raspberry soft ice cream cones. It's really neat when something you remember fondly turns out to be still the same. We just haven't been able to get the same sort of soft ice cream in the South that we grew up with around here, so we always treat ourselves at least once when we get back in the area.

Today the cold front has settled in and the sky has cleared and it's sunny, if colder. Tonight is the start of the Jordan Fall Festival, and we begin by going over for more food. Tonight it will be fresh fish sandwiches.

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