Sunday, May 13, 2012

Lots O Rocks

Just North of Prescott is this area called the Granite Dells. The rocks themselves are 1.4 billion years old and have been subjected to something called spheroidal weathering. There are two man made lakes here, Willow and Walker, that have been purchased by the town and are used for recreation.

The rocks have this unique rounded form that makes them appealing for rock scrambling and the area is popular with all sorts of hikers and climbers.

As the rocks weather, they break down into something that looks like sand but is sharper and much coarser. The locals look for opportunities to load it up for driveway fill as it drains very well.

The whole area is very attractive and it kind of draws you in. I kept wanting to see around the next hill or climb that rock over there for the view.

It's only about a half hour drive from where we're staying so I hope to come back at sunset and get some more pictures of it. As it was, I ran out of battery power after these shots. There's a great overlook in the county park but it was all tied up this weekend with the local Highland Games so we didn't get a chance explore as much as I had wanted.


  1. Really interesting terrain but what is "rock scrambling"??

  2. Rock scrambling is climbing over the rock surfaces using natural handholds and just sneakers. No climbing gear. Not technical climbing but fun and quite strenuous.
