Sunday, May 27, 2012

Sedona Redux

Friday we made another excursion to Sedona. It won't be our last. This was primarily a shopping trip. We wanted to revisit some of the shops we had been to previously and see a couple of new ones and perhaps locate a garage sale or two.

On the way into town we stopped so I could photograph a couple of the local plants in bloom. There were large clumps of Soaptree Yucca.

There was also an Englemann Prickley Pear cactus in bloom.

 We then continued on into to the Oak Creek mall. When we came out of the first store, this is what we saw.

It turns out that block behind the mall, a propane tank had exploded and set a house on fire. We watched the black smoke curling up and finally heard the sirens of the approaching equipment. Everybody commented on how long it seemed to get the fire department on the scene. I saw a picture later taken by a woman who was garage sale-ing in the same block and the house was fully involved including a truck in the driveway before help arrived. The big concern was whether they would have to evacuate the area. I think they did evacuate the immediate neighborhood but the mall was not affected.

We continued on to the Paw Prints thrift store I had mentioned before but it was a disappointment with a lot fewer items than we had hoped. All was not lost, however, as I picked up a book on cooking with a convection microwave like the one in our motorhome. Then it was time for lunch.

We stopped here:

I'm thinking that since we were in  the RED rocks area, this RED Planet Diner was a takeoff on that. Anyway it was a kitschy, retro space-themed place. Spaceships hanging from the ceiling and all of the menu items named with space themes. If you just got carried away with the whole experience, you could get your picture taken with an alien.

How do you like that shirt? I've got another one even worse. They are vintage cowboy shirts that my cousin had in the closet and they had never been worn, so she gave them to me. I oughta be able to turn heads now!

This was the view coming out of the diner.

We cruised up and down the road looking for another thrift shop and finally concluded it was out of business and time for some garage sales. We spotted a sign leading us to an estate sale so we drove down one of the side streets looking for it. We never did find it but wound up on the other side of the valley. When we turned around we had a great view of Coffeepot Rock. The Rounded hill to the left is Sugarloaf Mountain.

This is all a residential area spread over the sloping foothills of the mountains. How would you like to sit out on the porch of the house on the left and watch the sun go down? It would set to the left, casting shadows over all the notches in the hills. What a view!

After striking out on garage sales, we left town to the South and traveled a road which follows Oak Creek. Along the way were several wineries. I was surprised to see vineyards in the desert but the micro-climate along the creek seemed to suit them just fine. We stopped at a couple and bought a bottle of white zin at the first. The second had live jazz and was packed so we didn't hang around there.

Saturday we decided to try the flea market in Prescott Valley and hit some garage sales. The flea market was interesting but cold and very windy. It was pretty good size and had pretty much all old stuff. Not the racks of new Chinese junk I find at home, this was old Western rusty junk along with some saddles and tack and lots of stuff that wasn't worth much when it was new, much less now. No deals, but I did pick up a 10pt. Disston D-7 in pretty good shape with a clear etch. Not old but straight and it should clean up well. Later on at a couple of garage sales I picked up some more small tools but nothing special.

The highlight was the first sale we stopped at. It had the usual baskets and knick-knacks but there in the driveway was this:

It was for sale but I don't know what the price was. The woman running the sale had a number you could call to talk to the owner. It is a 1969 Jeepster in immaculate condition with 89,000 miles on the speedo. It has an automatic transmission and four wheel drive and of course, the convertible top. Black leather seats. What a hoot that would be to own. How about towing it behind the motorhome?

We're hosting a bachlorette party for one of the grandchildren on Monday so we'll spend the rest of the weekend prepping for that.

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