Sunday, August 19, 2012

Spider Update

Not that I've had any request for a sequel, but I thought I'd come back to this one time. The other night I went out to feed the animals and as the dogs raced around I saw some movement on the ground. Closer inspection showed that I have my very own tarantula. Here are the pictures.

The one at the top is the new one and the other is a repeat of the picture I published a few days ago. See how much lighter in color the new one is? I think it's a female. She just sat there and posed and I didn't do anything to bother her. Later she was gone.

Yesterday we went out checking out garage sales. We saw quite a few sales but nothing that shouted out at us. After a while it just got too hot to keep going so we headed back home for a nap. While we were laying down it thundered mightily and got real black but we only got 1/10" of an inch of rain.

Between garage sales and thrift shops, Diane's favorite entertainment these days, we've accumulated enough extra clothes that we thought we'd send some home. I did my duty and emptied out a Sam Adams case to get the box. We got it all loaded and ready to go and took it to the post office yesterday. The guy on the desk said they couldn't accept a package in that kind of box. Why? Because it might still contain beer. How stupid is that? No wonder they have trouble.

Oh well, hope everyone is having a good weekend.

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