Thursday, June 7, 2012

We Go On A Picnic

See that little copse of Cottonwoods in the sun at the bottom of the valley? We went there for a picnic last evening. The son-in-law who is the pilot has a team and a wagon and had some out of town guests in for a country picnic. He hitched up the team and they all rode about five miles back into the hills to this spot. We tagged along behind in the car as it would have been too much to get Diane up into the wagon. Plus it would be a cold ride back, not to say bumpy.

On the way the road is blocked in several places by cattle guards.

These are barriers in the road made of steel rails with narrow openings between the rails. They are no problem for vehicles but livestock, including horses and cows are very reluctant to cross them. This way, there is ready access though the fences containing the stock pastures. Since the stock won't cross the guard, there are gates provided along side that can be opened for the stock to cross through when needed.

Some of the party rode the wagon while others rode horses and we were in the car. At the site, the wagon was unhooked and the horses waited patiently, or not, until it was time to leave.

We feasted on pulled pork, beans and slaw made from cabbage fresh picked from the garden. And for dessert, it was strawberry shortcake.

We rode back in the dark, closing the gates for the horsemen and women and listening for the coyotes to sing.


  1. What a fabulous time you're guys are having. I spent Sunday morning on the proch with some coffee catching up on all you're doing. It's really inspired me to look seriously at planning a trip out west. Never been there and looks like a whole lot of undiscovered country. Keep up the great work blogging, we'e out here and we're reading!!

  2. Glad you're enjoying it. You certainly need to plan a trip out here.
