Sunday, June 3, 2012

When it rains it pours

First I over-ran the internet account this week which put me off line for a couple of days, then, on Thursday, my laptop died. I mean really died. No power, no nothing. I checked out the power brick but it was good. I pried out the battery and tried the power cord but still nothing. So, it's new laptop time. I found one on sale at Best Buy and waited until Saturday to purchase. That was because Microsoft is offering an inexpensive upgrade to Windows 8 (when it's released) starting on June 2. So I waited a day to be eligible. not that I want to upgrade right away but by waiting at least i can use the offer if I want to at a later time, up until Jan 31, 2013.

So, I'm still trying to get the new unit up and running and organized so I can get back to regular posts. We're going to be gone all day today to a wedding up in Flagstaff, so I won't get much done today, either. But maybe I can get some pictures and be ready for something tomorrow. Until then, have a good weekend.

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